Jörgs Mass Spectrometry and Bioinformatics Page

Eclipse 1999
"Can anybody please explain Mole?" - "Well, in concept, it's similar to a dozen, but bigger." (seen in sci.chem. For more of such "wisdom", look at this file).

I have been working in the field of mass spectrometry for about 15 years (... and that can really, really be fun!). Through data processing I have moved into Bioinformatics and did some quite active software development there for several years.

If you are interested, you can also download a list of my scientific publications, and you can find me on LinkedIn.

Things that I wrote

Most of the programs that I wrote are available under the terms and conditions of the GNU Public License (GPL). This means that the software is available free of charge, including the source code, and the GPL ensures that any future version will also remain free.

"Frankly, compared to the data openness issue, code openness is minor and a bit of a no-brainer. You should always open your code as it costs you nothing, enhances your reputation and generally helps you (and everyone else) tackle the interesting problems out there."
- Ewan Birnmey, cited from Linux Magazine, 2002-06, 22-25.


HitKeeper is a database application for use in BioInformatics. It is intended to help bioinformatic researchers with "friendly" tools. Originally designed for the investigation of the relationships between protein sequences and motifs defined (or predicted) on them, it effectively handles the redundancy of biological databases, incremental updates, supports taxonomy and has a sophisticated query engine.

HitKeeper was - and is - developed and is maintained by Marco Pagni, with contributions from myself and many others ;-). It is mainly written in Perl/SQL and published under the GNU Public License (GPL). It was first described in J. Hau, M. Muller, M. Pagni, "HitKeeper, a generic software package for hit list management", Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2 (2007), 2.

bullet HitKeeper has its own homepage at http://hitkeeper.sourceforge.net/.


COMSPARI is the acronym for COMparison of SPectral And Retention Information. It is a software to facilitate the analysis of "paired" samples, i.e. samples that are almost identical yet present some qualitative difference, by GC/MS and LC/MS as well as other techniques. COMSPARI should thus be particularly useful for applications in metabolomics and proteomics.

Screenshot COMSPARI

COMSPARI was developed and is maintained by Jonathan Katz (with some contributions from myself ;-) and was first described in J. E. Katz, J. Hau, D. S. Dumlao and S. Clarke, "A New Technique (COMSPARI) to Facilitate the Identification of Minor Compounds in Complex Mixtures by GC/MS and LC/MS: Tools for the Visualization of Matched Datasets", J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 15 (2004), 580-584.

A "by-product" of this development work is cdf2ascii, which is based on cdfread. It allows to convert netCDF files into plain ASCII files, with lots of processing options and is part of the COMSPARI package.

CDF reader

CDFread is a program that implements the routines to read mass spectra and mass chromatograms from data files in netCDF ("Andi-MS") format. The program provides a command-line interface and a simple graphic display based on gnuplot. It supports mouse zoom and manual peak annotation. Centroid and profile data are supported.

Screenshot cdfread

bullet CDFread has its own homepage at http://cdfread.sourceforge.net/.

A derivative of cdfread is cdf2ascii, which is part of the COMSPARI software described below. It allows to convert netCDF files into plain ASCII files, with lots of processing options.

LC/MS Data Evaluation

MSGraph is a program designed for the interactive, fast, qualitative analysis of mass spectrometric (MS) data. It is a tool to provide fast and simple access to all the information contained in an LC/MS analysis run. Key features:

Several related tools are available, including programs to read data files in netCDF and mzXML format.

2D screen

bullet MSGraph has its own homepage at http://msgraph.sourceforge.net/.

The Analyses Database

The Analyses Database is a collection of software to archive and to track files. It was written with the backup and archival of data from analytical instruments in mind and was first described in a paper by J. Hau and L. Fay, "Practical Approach to Archival and Retrieval of Analytical Data in the Laboratory", published in Analyst 126 (2001), 1194-1199.

This software has been used in my (former) laboratory for almost a decade now and has performed flawlessly - thus I have good reasons to say that it performs as designed and that it is in a stable state.

Main screen Edit/Update an entry Show backup

bullet The project has its own homepage at http://labdb.sourceforge.net/.

The Chemicals Database

The Chemicals Database is a simple yet effective approach to track a stock of products. It provides "product catalogue" that is accessible from any workplace over http. — Although the documentation describes the handling of a stock of chemicals in a laboratory in particular, the system can easily be adapted to any other "items" such as samples, spare parts, tools and other inventory.

The application was developed based on The Analyses Database and implemented at remarkably low cost (e.g. no license fees at all) in short time, using the Linux operating system and standard off-the-shelf computer equipment. The system went from test phase to production in less than one week. In my (former) laboratory it helped us to improve efficiency and to save cost, e.g. by avoiding multiple orders of identical products.

Main Screen Search Screen

bullet The project has its own homepage at http://chemicaldb.sourceforge.net/.

Isotope Pattern

isotope is a command-line utility to calculate the isotope pattern for a given chemical formula. It allows to run calculations interactively, in batch mode, via the command line, or (using a webserver) via a web interface. You can easily integrate it into your laboratory workflow, even using fully automated data processing.

Screenshot Isotope

bullet Isotope has its own homepage at http://isopat.sourceforge.net/.

HiRes MS

hr (or HiRes, for "High Resolution") is a simple program to perform a common task in mass spectrometry: calculate the possible elemental compositions that fit a given mass. It allows to run calculations in batch mode, via the command line, or (using a webserver) via a web interface. You can easily integrate it into your laboratory workflow, even using fully automated data processing.

Screenshot hr.

bullet Isotope has its own homepage at http://hires.sourceforge.net/.

Peak Matching

match is a program to perform the calculations required during manual peak matching on a sector field mass spectrometer. Although this task is performed automatically on modern instruments, there are still some colleagues out there that [have to] do peak matching manually. The original program was written sitting at the console of a VG7070 back in 1994, but of course it is applicable to any sector field MS that is equipped with a unit for manual peak matching.

The program runs under MS-DOS, or in a "DOS window" under various flavours of MS-Windows. It is copyrighted by me, but use is free - see the file README.TXT included in the archive.


bullet Click here to download the program. This includes a few reference data files. The latest version is 1.2.

Linux to access
other workstations

Do you run one or more machines under Unix or VMS and do you wish you had a cheap second (or third or fourth ...) access to it, with full graphical capabilities? Well, this little article is for you.


bullet How to use Linux to share your High-end Workstation.

NMR spectrum viewer

This has nothing to do with mass spectrometry, but anyway ;-)

bruread-nmr is a simple a program to access and display NMR data in the Bruker XWIN-NMR format. You can display either the real or the imaginary part of the spectrum, or the FID. - The program has a command-line interface and a graphic display based on gnuplot. It supports mouse zoom and manual peak annotation. However, please note that this is merely an NMR spectrum viewer - it is not a data evaluation suite.

bullet The project has its own homepage at http://bruread.sourceforge.net/.

Code snippets

These are miscellaneous pieces of code that I have collected over the years.


Map view in gnuplot

set pm3d map
set yrange [*:*] reverse
splot 'sample.dat' matrix

A nice 2D-Plot color palette is: black - brown - dark red - red ... white on "sky-blue" background (seen on SGMS 2003).

Plotting mass spectra in gnuplot

set xlabel "m/z"
set ylabel "Abundance"
set tics out
set xtics nomirror
set border 31
set nokey

Plotting UV spectra in gnuplot

set nogrid
set nokey
set nolabel
set size ratio 1 1,1
set tics in
set xlabel "nm"
set ylabel "mAU"
set xrange [180:400]
set data style lines
#set term postscript eps solid "Times-Roman"
set term aifm
set title "Name of this compound"
set outp "data.ai"
plot "data.dat"

Re-scaling gnuplot eps files to print in full-size A4

sed '/%%EndComments/ a\
90 rotate\
-60 -670 translate\
2.1 2.1 scale' file.eps | lpr -P NameOfPrinterQueue

We can use filledcurve to print chromatograms

plot sin(x) with filledcurve y1=-0.5
plot sin(x) with filledcurve x1

Plotting of multiple data files by wildcard

list = system('ls *red[0-9].dat *green*dat | sort -t. -k2')  # get a sorted list via system call
t(s) = (s2 = s[15:*], s2[0:strlen(s2)-4])                    # remove first 15 and last 4 chars from filenames
set ylabel "Volt"
set xlabel "hours"
plot for [file in list] file using ($1/3600):2 w lin title t(file)

Data processing

Derivative with awk:

#! /usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { firstline = 1 }

#$0 !~ ^# { if (firstline == 1) {
{ if (firstline == 1) {
    old_x = 1
    old_y = 1
    firstline = 0
  } else {
    print (old_x + $2)/2.0, "\t", (old_y - $3)/(old_x - $2), "\t"
    old_x = $2
    old_y = $3

Numerical differentiation with octave:

load 'data.dat'
# now we need to get them to same array length. interpolate:
points = [x(1:numel(x)-1)+dx(1)/2, diff(data(:,2))./dx];
fprintf(fd, "%14.6f %14.6f\n", reshape(points', 1, numel(points)));

Low-pass filter 1st order with gnuplot and awk. d is the damping:

gnuplot> plot "< awk 'print $2" < file.dat" using 1 with lp
gnuplot> plot "< awk -v d=2 'i=(d*i+$2)/1+d); print i' < file.dat" using 1 with lp

Things that others wrote

Data Visualisation

Mass Spectrometry



In the frame of a few projects have been working on neurosignal data processing. Here are some links that I found useful:

Some Databases, Literature etc.