TY - JOUR ID - 1 T1 - Title of the Paper A1 - Author,First A1 - Author,Second Y1 - 2002/12/31/OtherPubDate N1 - Notes KW - Keyword 1 KW - Keyword 2 RP - IN FILE SP - StartPage EP - EndPage JA - Abbr.J.Name VL - Volume IS - Issue U1 - User1 U2 - User2 U3 - User3 U4 - User4 U5 - User5 N2 - Abstract goes here SN - ISSN AV - Availability AD - Address UR - URL L1 - PDF L2 - FullText L3 - Links L4 - Images ER - TY - SER ID - 2 T1 - Title of the Section or Book A1 - Author,First A1 - Author,Second Y1 - 2002/12/31/OtherPubDate N1 - Notes KW - Keyword 1 KW - Keyword 2 RP - IN FILE SP - StartPage EP - EndPage VL - Edition A2 - Editor,First A2 - Editor,Last IS - Volume CY - PubPlace PB - Publisher U1 - User1 U2 - User2 U3 - User3 U4 - User4 U5 - User5 T3 - SeriesTitle A3 - SeriesEditor,First A3 - SeriesEditor,Second N2 - Abtract goes here SN - ISBN AV - Availability Y2 - 2002/02/28/OtherDate M1 - NumVolumes AD - Address UR - URL L1 - PDF L2 - Fulltext L3 - Links L4 - Images ER - TY - PAT ID - 3 T1 - Title of the Patent A1 - Author,First A1 - Author,Second Y1 - 2002/12/31/OtherIssueDate N1 - Notes KW - Keyword 1 KW - Keyword 2 RP - IN FILE SP - StartPage EP - EndPage VL - ApplicationNumber A2 - Assignee,First A2 - Assignee,Last IS - PatentNumber CY - State/Country PB - References U1 - User1 U2 - User2 U3 - User3 U4 - User4 U5 - User5 N2 - Abstract goes here AV - Availability Y2 - 2002/02/28/OtherDateFiled M1 - IPC goes here M2 - US class code here M3 - DocType AD - Address UR - URL L1 - PDF L2 - FullText L3 - Links L4 - Images ER -