Welcome ... and Thank You for visiting these pages!


About the author

Hello! My name is Jörg Hau and I'm living in one of the most beautiful parts of Switzerland: right above the Lac Léman.

I have a university education as analytical chemist, holding a Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. equivalent) since 1994 and the certification as Project Management Professional PMP® since 2009. Fourteen years in industrial R&D brought me in touch with very diverse fields: fundamental and applied research, scientific instrumentation, software development, project management, quality management, management, training and coaching.

The experience that I acquired throughout these years prompted me to make my experience available to more than one client, which led me to the creation of my own Consulting business, Quality-Coach.ch, in 2009.

Since 2019, we also own and operate Moto-Chalet.ch, a guesthouse that you can rent here in Western Switzerland (be it a few days or a few weeks) and that knows the needs of motorcycle tourists. Check it out!

The growing success of the website you are reading now, SchweizerSchrauber.ch, prompted me to create yet another company in spring 2021: SchweizerSchrauber LLC (GmbH, Sàrl) is now handling all commercial activities related to the parts and services that I offer on this website. – Note that this website as such remains the private property of Jörg Hau, not of SchweizerSchrauber LLC (GmbH, Sàrl).

You can also find me on LinkedIn. I am not on facebook.


To get in touch with me, simply drop me an e-mail.

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If you find any of the material or resources on this website helpful, please recommend it to others. If possible, link to this site. If you feel that it is relevant and that it can help others, please pass on the link.


I emphasize that the content of this site is - and remains - freely available (under the terms and conditions mentioned here), so you do not have to pay anything. However, I certainly appreciate any donation, since it is a "return on investment" for the time and effort that I put into these pages.


A few questions that I receive pretty regularly:

Gibt es auch eine deutsche Version dieser Website?
Obwohl ich einige Seiten in Deutsch und/oder Französisch übersetzt habe, lautet die Antwort "Nein". Der Hauptteil meiner Leserschaft kommt aus dem englischsprachigen Raum, und eine Fassung kann ich noch bequem in meiner Freizeit warten. Wenn ich dazu aber noch eine französische und eine deutsche Fassung erstellen und vor allem aktuell halten wollte ... nein, es gibt wichtigeres, als jeden Abend vor dem Rechner zu verbringen ;-)
Is there another language version of this website?
Albeit some pages of this page are available in German and/or French, the general answer is "No". Most visitors of this site are from english-speaking countries and this is the version that I can keep updated fairly easily. Adding one or more versions in other languages would consume too much of my free time ... life is more than just sitting in front of a computer ;-).
I am trying to open a file from your website, but I'm getting an error message like "Error reading header ...". What am I doing wrong?
Most of the archive files that I make available on my site are in gzipped tar format, either with the extension .tar.gz or .tgz. From time to time I get reports that these files "do not open" in Winzip under Microsoft Windows; the reason is apparently that either Windows or Winzip breaks the filenames if you try to open a file on-the-fly. As a workaround: Right-click on the link, "Save Target as ...", and most important: make sure that the file extension is preserved correctly! You can then open the downloaded file normally (Winzip will probably unpack the .tgz to a .tar first, which you have to unpack further).